E-learning, social learning, blended learning, etc. An increasingly rich language is enhancing the world of training. And this world is constantly changing. But what is the role of digital learning? How is it changing training codes? What are its challenges and its potential?
What is digital learning?
Digital learning means all the digital tools dedicated to training and supporting learners. Its purpose is to help them achieve their training objectives faster and more smoothly. But be careful not to confuse digital learning and e-learning. Digital learning can be used at all stages of training (distance or face-to-face). It can, for example, be deployed before distance training to stimulate a desire to learn through the medium of e-learning. It can also be used at the very heart of face-to-face training and bring added value by virtue of its dynamism or interactivity. It also makes it possible to evaluate the concepts learned during training and to assess the level of the learner.
What digital learning has to offer?
Interactivity at the very heart of your training makes it even more effective and attractive. Learners and trainers are becoming players in the learning process. Your teams can be distance-trained or trained through shared or collaborative learning. Social learning even allows you to use your in-house resources to develop the knowledge of your workforce. The human dimension is important in the digital process.
The information gathered during the sessions can be pooled and analyzed and you receive practical feedback on your training, allowing you to adjust the learning to your objectives.
Integrating digital learning into your existing training is essential for optimizing your company’s performance. Some sectors are moving very fast and training is becoming of paramount importance. Employees can access digital training content at any time. Media such as microlearning or serious gaming greatly increase learning effectiveness.
In conclusion, digital learning breathes new life into your training, as well as delivering real expertise. It has many advantages that are not insignificant: enhanced data security, simplified media backup (cloud), in-house collaboration, information sharing between employees, staff involvement and mobilization, etc.
How does it work?
Digital learning involves a vast number of tools and types of teaching resources. The self-contained (or asynchronous) training modules are the most widely used. Serious gaming, video and microlearning offer innovative solutions in terms of interactivity. Conventional e-learning modules are themselves enhanced by these tools that can be perfectly integrated.
The virtual classroom provides training via videoconferencing and tools such as whiteboards or chatting. Finally, learning also takes place through interaction between members of the training space (learner to learners or learners to tutors/trainers).
Digital learning statistics?
In 2018, the Higher Institute of Training Technologies (ISTF) carried out a study of more than 400 organizations representing 1.3 million learners.
What is the percentage of digital learning usage?